Meditations on Bach: Resources
While transcribing Bach's Cello Suites for electric bass, I have been consulting the following books and websites.
- Beiser - Diotima's Children
- Buchenau - The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment
- Butt - Bach Interpretation
- Butt - Bach's Dialogue with Modernity
- Butt (ed.) - The Cambridge Companion to Bach
- Butt - Playing with History
- Bylsma - Bach: The Fencing Master
- David and Mendel - The New Bach Reader
- Dreyfus - Bach and the Patterns of Invention
- Gardiner - Bach: Music in the Castle of Heaven
- Harnoncourt - Baroque Music Today
- Kenyon (ed.) - Authenticity and Early Music
- Kivy - Authenticities
- Lawson and Stowell - The Historical Performance of Music
- Ledbetter - Unaccompanied Bach: Performing the Solo Works
- Little and Jenne - Dance and the Music of J.S. Bach
- Mellers - Bach and the Dance of God
- Moller - The Way of Bach
- Sherman - Inside Early Music
- Walls - History, Imagination, and the Performance of Music
- Winold - Bach's Cello Suites: Analyses and Explorations
- Wolff - Bach: The Learned Musician
- Wolff - Bach's Musical Universe
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