We take from Peter to give to Paul
To make one rise we make one fall
And then we wonder at the enmities
At natural friends who become enemies
Paul and Peter, Peter and Paul
We fight the war of all against all
It's only through your loss that I gain
Your pleasure is my only pain
It's when I seek my life through others
That I start to resent my brothers
To hate their joy and their success
Knowing that more for them means less
For me -- a game of either-or
Of true is false and peace is war
Facades kept up that all are brothers
While some are more equal than others
Paul and Peter, Peter and Paul
We fight the war of all against all
It's only through your loss that I gain
Your pleasure is my only pain
Oh what a fragile bond we rend
When first we start to tax and spend
We turn our hearts to legal plunder
We tear our free goodwill asunder
Paul and Peter, Peter and Paul
We fight the war of all against all
It's only through your loss that I gain
Your pleasure is my only pain