Abbreviations for the Works of Aristotle

An. Po. = Posterior Analytics
An. Pr. = Prior Analytics
Ath. = Constitution of Athens
Cat. = Categories
DA = De Anima = On Aliveness
DC = De Caelo = On the Heavens
DI = De Interpretatione = On Interpretation
EE = Ethica Eudemea = Eudemian Ethics
EN = Ethica Nicomachea = Nicomachean Ethics
GA = Generation of Animals
GC = De Generatione et Corruptione = On Coming into Being and Passing Away
HA = Historia Animalium = Inquiry into Animals
IA = De Incessu Animalium = Progression of Animals
MA = De Motu Animalium = Movement of Animals
Met. = Metaphysics
Meteor. = Meteorology
MM = Magna Moralia = Great Ethics
Oec. = Oeconomica = Household Management
PA = De Partibus Animalium = Parts of Animals
PN = Parva Naturalia = Short Works on Nature
Phys. = Physica = On Nature
Poet. = Ars Poetica = Dramatics
Pol. = Politics
Pro. = Protrepticus = Exhortation to Philosophy
Rhet. = Ars Rhetorica = Rhetoric
SE = De Sophisticis Elenchis = Sophistical Refutations
Top. = Topics
VV = De Virtutibus et Vitiis = On Virtues

Peter Saint-Andre > Writings > Aristotle