Fragments Aristotle tr. Jonathan Barnes and Gavin Lawrence "Aristotle used to say that men's concept of god sprang from two sources - the experiences of the soul and the phenomena of the heavens. From the experiences of the soul, because of its inspiration and prophetic power in dreams.... And from the heavenly bodies too: seeing by day the revolution of the sun and by night the well-ordered movement of the stars, they came to think that there was a god who is the cause of such movement and order." (FR 10) [PSA: but see Protrepticus B101, where Aristotle - or actually the character Heraclides - says that "the images of sleep are false" and "the soul when awake often knows the truth but in sleep is always deceived"] "Harmony is heavenly, by nature divine, beautiful and inspired." (FR 47) "The more I am a selfer and a loner, the more fond of stories have I become." (FR 668) END