Aristotle's Politics Joe Sachs At 1310a32-36 of his translation, Sachs comments as follows in footnote 163 (page number to follow CHECKTHIS): "Commentators speculate about what Aristotle would consider a good definition of freedom. In the context of this chapter, his two references to the lack of self-discipline (akrasia) suggest that he might say that freedom is or depends upon self-discipline (en-krateia). (Compare Plato's Meno, 86D, and Gorgias, 491D-494A.) That would mean that freedom is characterized more by the power to achieve an end than by a lack of limitation in choosing one. And by inference from the discussion of natural slavery in Bk. I, one may add that freedom depends on the capacity to deliberate (1260a12) and to foresee by thinking (1252a32). Aristotle provides an image of freedom and slavery in a household in the Metaphysics (1075a19-22): those who are most free have the most responsibility, while the slaves for the most part act at random." [PSA: the opposite of akrasia is not enkrateia but arete; thus true freedom depends on acquired traits (hexeis) for doing and feeling, a capacity for living seriously and deliberately, a commitment (prohairesis) to enact what is beautifully right, an understanding (episteme) of human fulfillment (eudaimonia), consistent awareness (theoria) of the good, etc.] END