The Masterwork

by Peter Saint-Andre

The masterwork of living is becoming who you are.
It's true you have a destiny, a task, an aim, a fate —
But it must slowly, surely grow from nebula to star,
Must long and hidden live unknown in some unfinished state.

It's best to have few notions about what your task may be:
Don't think you know yourself too soon, but let your form emerge.
Keep clear of great imperatives and purposes you see;
Float aimlessly toward new seas with every ebb and surge.

The roads you travel have their value, even if they're wrong;
Experience is the long and secret artistry of soul.
From all you do and all that's done a meaning will grow strong,
Mastering your life and self within a greater goal.

You need not struggle, strive, or will to reach a distant star,
But wish instead for just what is and rise to what you are.

(cf. Ecce Homo, "Why I Am So Clever", §9; The Case of Wagner, §1)

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