Reading List for No One Wiser
Last Updated: 2025-02-22
In preparation for writing No One Wiser, I am slowly reading the following books...
- [x][r] Aristophanes: Clouds
- Benardete: The Being of the Beautiful: Plato's Theaetetus, Sophist, and Statesman
- Benardete: Socrates' Second Sailing: On Plato's Republic
- Benardete: The Rhetoric and Morality of Philosophy: Plato's Gorgias and Phaedrus
- Benardete: The Tragedy and Comedy of Life: Plato's Philebus
- Benardete: Plato's Symposium
- Burger: Aristotle's Dialogue with Socrates
- Blondell: The Play of Character in Plato's Dialogues
- Cornford: Before and After Socrates
- [r] D'Angour: Socrates in Love
- Ferguson: Socrates: A Source Book
- Guthrie: Socrates
- Hanson - A War Like No Other
- [x][r] Havelock: Preface to Plato
- Howland: The Paradox of Political Philosophy
- Kagan: The Peloponnesian War
- Legutko: The Way of the Gadfly
- [x][r] Melzer: Philosophy Between the Lines
- Miller: The Philosopher in Plato's Statesman
- [x][r] Nails: The People of Plato
- Nilsson: Greek Piety
- Priou: Musings on Plato's Symposium
- Randall: Plato, Dramatist of the Life of Reason
- Rhodes: Eros, Wisdom, and Silence
- Rosen: Plato's Republic
- Rosen: Plato's Sophist
- Rosen: Plato's Statesman
- Rosen: Plato's Symposium
- Rudebusch: Socrates
- Sayre: Plato's Analytic Method
- Sayre: Plato's Literary Garden
- Shorey: The Unity of Plato's Thought
- [x][r] Stone: The Trial of Socrates
- Strauss: The Argument and Action of Plato's Laws
- Taylor: Socrates
- Vlastos: Platonic Studies
- Vlastos: The Philosophy of Socrates
- Vlastos: Socrates, Ironist and Moral Philosopher
- Waterfield: Why Socrates Died
- Zuckert: Plato's Philosophers
[x] denotes books I've read
[r] denotes books I need to re-read or further reference
Peter Saint-Andre > Writings > No One Wiser