Monadnock Valley Press Annual Report 2013

by Peter Saint-Andre


In last year's report for the Monadnock Valley Press, I promised to continue posting public-domain texts online at and perhaps to publish some works in ebook and print formats. Unfortunately, 2013 was a bit of a slow year around here because I was very busy with my regular job. As one example, we haven't yet republished any plays by Henrik Ibsen or completed our hyperlinked version of Spinoza's Ethics. However, we did manage a few accomplishments:

As a result of our ebooks and print books, we earned a profit of $55.17. Not exactly big bucks, but perhaps something we can build on in 2014.

In any case, we're publishing at the Monadnock Valley Press not primarily to make money, but to make available a selection of important works in an open, transparent manner. In 2014, we plan to (at the very least) post some poems by William Butler Yeats, some essays by Montaigne, and some plays by Ibsen. Time permitting we might also finish our work on Spinoza's Ethics and publish a complete translation of everything that Epicurus wrote about the nature of the good life.

Happy Public Domain Day!

Peter Saint-Andre > Journal