Songs of Zarathustra Now Published

by Peter Saint-Andre


My short book on Friedrich Nietzsche, Songs of Zarathustra, is now published in paperback and ebook formats, and of course also on my website. Once again both the form and the content are unorthodox: I construe Nietzsche in a more humanistic way than most interpreters, and I do so in a cycle of 73 brief poems (including translations of some of Nietzsche's own verse). Neither aspect is likely to endear me to academics, but then I don't write for a scholarly audience - even though my books are based on a deep reading of the original texts.

By the way, if you've already bought the book, please note that I found a typo on page 34 the other night (in my translation of Nietzsche's poem "Interpretation", I corrected "life" to read "lift"); I'd be happy to send you a corrected copy.

Songs of Zarathustra is conceptually the second (and chronologically the fourth) volume in my series of books on the art of living. I'm already working on the third volume, comprising an epitome of Aristotle's ethics (tentatively entitled A Worthy Life).


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