2018 Readings
Here's a list of the books I read in 2018 (including the complete works of Aristotle and a number of related scholarly books, along with a smattering of fiction):
- Aristotle - Categories
- Aristotle - On Interpretation
- Aristotle - Prior Analytics
- Aristotle - Posterior Analytics
- Aristotle - Topics
- Aristotle - Sophistical Refutations
- Aristotle - Physics
- Aristotle - On the Heavens
- Aristotle - On Generation and Corruption
- Aristotle - Meteorology
- Aristotle - Parva Naturalia
- Aristotle - History of Animals
- Aristotle - Parts of Animals
- Aristotle - Movement of Animals
- Aristotle - Progression of Animals
- Aristotle - Generation of Animals
- Aristotle - Metaphysics
- Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics
- Aristotle - Magna Moralia
- Aristotle - Eudemian Ethics
- Aristotle - On Virtues and Vices
- Aristotle - Politics
- Aristotle - Economics
- Aristotle - Rhetoric
- Aristotle - Poetics
- Aristotle - Constitution of Athens
- Bett - Pyrrho, his Antecedents, and his Legacy
- Borges - Ficciones
- Borges - Labyrinths
- Camus - The Fall
- Camus - The Stranger
- Chiang - Stories of Your Life
- Chopin - The Awakening
- Clayman - Timon of Phlius
- Cooper - Pursuits of Wisdom
- Cooper - Reason and Human Good in Aristotle
- Eco - The Name of the Rose
- Elder - Friendship, Robots, and Social Media
- Fortenbaugh - Aristotle on Emotion
- Freeman - Alexander the Great
- Gottlieb - The Virtue of Aristotle's Ethics
- Hesse - Steppenwolf
- Kenny - The Aristotelian Ethics
- Kenny - Aristotle on the Perfect Life
- Koestler - Darkness at Noon
- Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness
- Lee - Epistemology after Protagoras
- Lynch - Aristotle's School
- O'Meara - Studies in Aristotle
- O'Rourke - Aristotelan Interpretations
- Owen - Logic, Science, and Dialectic
- Pearson - Aristotle on Desire
- Peterson - 12 Rules for Life
- Reich - Who We Are and How We Got Here
- Renault - Fire from Heaven
- Renault - The Persian Boy
- Rowe - The Eudemian and Nichomachean Ethics
- Salem - In Pursuit of the Good
- Spranzi - The Art of Dialectic between Dialogue and Rhetoric
- Stephenson - Snow Crash
- Tolstoy - The Death of Ivan Ilyitch
- Yourcenar - The Abyss
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