Economic Gratitude

by Peter Saint-Andre


Over the last few months I've been tutoring a Ukrainian mom in English as a Second Language through my local library. Several weeks ago she asked me how Americans navigate the world of saving and investment, so I sent her links to one or two of my own blog posts as well as a number of more professional resources. We also had an hourlong discussion about the economic and legal infrastructure for investment that exists in America: stock markets, mutual funds, ETFs, Treasury bills, federal and municipal bonds, REITs, precious metals, commodities, futures markets, 401(k) plans, IRAs, 529 accounts, and all the rest. Folks in the Ukraine and many other countries around the world simply don't have (relatively) trusted investment vehicles like this; in all likelihood, their primary investment method is putting cash under the pillow. We don't realize how fortunate we are to have so many ways to build wealth.

(Cross-posted at


Peter Saint-Andre > Journal