Radical Gratitude

by Peter Saint-Andre


While attempting recently to render the first few lines of Tao Te Ching ยง14 about the nature of the Tao, I came up with the following:

Look: you cannot see - it gives no view
Hark: you cannot hear - it makes no sound
Reach: you cannot hold - it has no form

Although the phrase "it gives no view" might be more properly rendered as "it affords no view", I was seeking rhythmic consistency and a hint of alliteration. But then, reflecting on it further, I realized there is a profound truth in understanding affordances as gifts that deserve our gratitude.


I'm not sure about you, but I know that I don't often enough give grateful attention to all that has been gifted to me. This is something I'm working on...

(Cross-posted at philosopher.coach.)


Peter Saint-Andre > Journal