2024 Readings
By my count, I was able to read 95 books this year, not even accounting for the three epic poems I read twice: the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Beowulf. Highlights were the plays of Shakespeare (yes, all of them), George Eliot's magisterial novel Middlemarch, Bach and the Patterns of Invention by Laurence Dreyfus, an intensive re-reading of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, my friend Dave Jilk's poetic SF novel Epoch, and the aforementioned epic poems. I expect that I'll not read nearly so many books in 2025 while I attempt to finish writing my book about Aristotle's conception of human fulfillment.
P.S. I don't listen to audiobooks, so I've read all of these either as physical books (my preference) or as online books at my Monadnock Valley Press website (which I read on my mobile phone).
- Baumeister - The Self Explained
- Beston - Herbs and the Earth
- Beston - The Outermost House
- Godin - This Is Marketing
- Huelat and Pochron - Taming the Chaos of Dementia
- Macfarlane - Japan through the Looking Glass
- Restak - How to Prevent Dementia
- Rosen - The Pursuit of Happiness
- Tanizaki - In Praise of Shadows [陰翳礼讃]
- Twyman and Richmond - Letters in Black and White
- anonymous - Beowulf, tr. Alexander (twice) (re-read)
- Apollonius of Rhodes - Argonautica
- Arnold - On Translating Homer
- Blake - Songs of Experience
- Blake - Songs of Innocence
- Bogan - Body of This Death
- Browning - Sonnets from the Portuguese
- Carew - Poems
- Conrad - Heart of Darkness
- Cowley - Poems
- Eliot - Middlemarch
- Frost - West-Running Brook (re-read)
- Hentoff - Jazz Country
- Hesiod - Theogony
- Hesiod - Works and Days (re-read)
- Hesse - The Glass Bead Game [Das Glasperlenspiel] (re-read)
- Hesse - The Journey to the East [Die Morgenlandfahrt]
- Hillyer - The Seventh Hill
- Homer - The Iliad, tr. Lattimore (twice) (re-read)
- Homer - The Odyssey, tr. Lattimore (twice) (re-read)
- Jilk - Epoch
- Keats - Poems
- Longfellow - The Song of Hiawatha
- Magennis - Translating Beowulf
- Millay - The Buck in the Snow
- Milton - Paradise Lost
- Pindar - Odes, tr. Lattimore (re-read)
- Rayor and Lardinois - Sappho
- Shakespeare - Antony and Cleopatra
- Shakespeare - As You Like It
- Shakespeare - The Comedy of Errors
- Shakespeare - Coriolanus
- Shakespeare - Cymbeline
- Shakespeare - Hamlet (re-read)
- Shakespeare - Henry IV, Part 1
- Shakespeare - Henry IV, Part 2
- Shakespeare - Henry V
- Shakespeare - Henry VI, Part 1
- Shakespeare - Henry VI, Part 2
- Shakespeare - Henry VI, Part 3
- Shakespeare - Julius Caesar
- Shakespeare - King John
- Shakespeare - King Lear (re-read)
- Shakespeare - Love's Labours Lost
- Shakespeare - Macbeth (re-read)
- Shakespeare - Measure for Measure
- Shakespeare - The Merchant of Venice (re-read)
- Shakespeare - The Merry Wives of Windsor
- Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing
- Shakespeare - Othello (re-read)
- Shakespeare - Pericles, Prince of Tyre
- Shakespeare - Richard II
- Shakespeare - Richard III
- Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet (re-read)
- Shakespeare - Taming of the Shrew
- Shakespeare - Titus Andronicus
- Shakespeare - Twelfth Night
- Shakespeare - Winter's Tale
- Spenser - Amoretti
- Steele - All the Fun's in How You Say a Thing (re-read)
- Tolkien - The Hobbit (re-read)
- Turner - Epic: Form, Content, and History
- Vaughan - Poems
- Virgil - Aeneid (re-read)
- Waller - Poems
- Dreyfus - Bach and the Patterns of Invention
- Mathieu - Bridge of Waves
- Mathieu - The Musical Life
- Oliveros - Deep Listening
- Ahrensdorf - Homer on the Gods and Human Virtue
- Arendt - The Human Condition
- Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics (re-read)
- Beiser - Diotima's Children
- Bissell and Kolhatkar - Modernizing Aristotle's Ethics
- Boethius - The Consolation of Philosophy
- Buchenau - The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment
- Fingarette - Self-Deception
- Graham - The Book of Lieh-Tzu
- Hadot - The Present Alone Is Our Happiness
- Heidegger - The Question Concerning Technology [Die Frage nach der Technik]
- May and Parkes - Heidegger's Hidden Sources
- Nishida - An Inquiry into the Good [善の研究]
- Robinson - Aristotle's Psychology
- Ross - Aristotle
- Sokolowski - Phenomenology of the Human Person (re-read)
(Cross-posted at philosopher.coach.)
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