In Medias Res
(This post introduces my new Substack newsletter, Beautiful Wisdom.)
Well, here we are in the middle of things. I mean that in several senses:
- Personally, I've been writing, publishing, and blogging for 25+ years. Posting at Substack is a continuation and evolution of that long-running activity, not something fundamentally new for me.
- Historically, culturally, and technologically, it appears that we're in the thick of massive changes. Yet appearances can be deceiving, and I plan to bring the insights of history and philosophy (as well as my quarter century in the software industry) to bear on understanding where we've been, where we are, and where we're going.
- Politically, the pendulum seems to be swinging wildly from left to right. Although I prefer to steer clear of political topics, occasionally I'll be speaking from the middle in favor of moderation, brotherhood, and being reasonable - all the while doing what I can to live up to the American ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
- Philosophically, my perspective is broadly consistent with the classical and especially Aristotelian focus on practical wisdom, human fulfillment, a noble way of life, and doing justice to the complexities of our common experience by finding a middle way between extremes.
As to the title of this venue - Beautiful Wisdom - it represents my commitment to appreciating the enduring and evanescent beauty of the world we live in, bringing something beautiful into existence by composing poetry and music, and treating people as beautifully as I can in my all-too-brief span on this earth.
Onward and upward!
(Cross-posted at Beautiful Wisdom.)
Peter Saint-Andre > Journal