Several times now I've been exposed to "poems" generated by LLMs, whether sent to me by friends or posted by bloggers. Leaving aside their questionable quality, I would never use LLMs in this way. To me, the joy of creation lies not in the artifact but in the artistry. Would you prompt an LLM-equipped robot to attend a concert or sporting event on your behalf, take a walk with your child, or meet your best friend for lunch? I shudder to think that people might do such things before long. Similarly, writing poems, composing music, making pottery, and the like are not instances of drudgery but creative acts emblematic of the life of a free person.
For tasks in which efficiency, productivity, impressing your boss, and getting the right answer are paramount, I sort of understand the appeal of LLMs. Thankfully, now that I'm out of the workforce I no longer need to do such things. Instead, I have the freedom to think and play and create in the realms of music, poetry, and philosophy to my heart's content at my own pace. Because I find these activities perfectly delightful on their own, I'd find it intrusive and degrading to interact with an LLM while engaging in them.
It's becoming increasingly evident that our human world is being invaded by "artificial intelligence" (I always use scare quotes because the term begs many questions). People who are dear to me use LLMs every day to complete the banausic tasks their work requires, and I don't judge them for it. But each of us must be intentional and deliberate about whether and where we will use this new technology. For me, I draw the line at autotelic activities that are and of right ought to be ends in themselves.
(Cross-posted at Beautiful Wisdom.)