Over at Cafe Hayek, Don Boudreaux quotes reader Don Noone regarding migration of Americans from blue states to red states. Case in point: Denver, where most folks are "from away" (as we used to say back in Maine). Supposedly, the average American moves every five years. Many such moves are local, but many are long-distance, and a consistent trend over the last 30+ years has been migration of people from the Left Coast and Northeast to the South and interior West. Naturally, some people (mostly younger) are attracted to big cities like New York and San Francisco, too. Most likely there is an age factor here: people become more conservative as they age, and they may want to retire to safe, pleasant, and expensive places like the Colorado mountains or Carolina coast once they can afford to do so. What happens to the political outlook of such people? Do they soak up the more conservative values of their surroundings, or impose their more liberal values on the locals? Probably a bit of both. And let's not forget that those red-state/blue-state maps make American states seem more monolithic than they are in reality: there are plenty of blue areas within red states (e.g., Denver and Boulder within Colorado) and red areas within blue states (usually more rural areas in the far West, Northeast, and Upper Midwest). In general I'm getting rather tired of all the red vs. blue rhetoric -- if you ask me, much of it boils down to nothing more than what Dr. Seuss in his wisdom lampooned as Star-Belly Sneetches vs. Plain-Belly Sneetches.