While cleaning out some old file folders last night, I found some early writings of mine. They're not really very good, but I've typed them into my computer and put them online anyway. I had not written much by that time in my life, and it shows. At least I've gotten to be a better writer through years of practice -- or so I hope!
The pieces are as follows:
- A journal entry from 1992 that seems to have been an attempt to summarize my philosophy of life at that time. Things have changed since then.
- An essay entitled Secular vs. Sacred: The Modern Dilemma, which won honorable mention in an essay contest run by The Humanist magazine in 1992. Similar in many ways to my blog entry from the other day on spirituality.
- A very early essay entitled What I Love About Maine, which I wrote for my freshman English class at Columbia University. I was painfully afraid of writing back then and my teacher Victoria Redel helped me through that, for which I'm forever in her debt.
Not great writing, and best filed under the heading of juvenilia. But perhaps someone will find them interesting. :-)
Peter Saint-Andre > Journal