Reading List for Gods Among Men
Last Updated: 2025-03-11
In preparation for writing Gods Among Men, I am slowly reading about 400 books and articles...
- Algra et al. (eds.) - The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy
- Allinson - Chuang Tzu for Spiritual Transformation
- [x] Annas - Democritus and Eudaimonism
- Annas and Barnes - The Modes of Scepticism
- Annas and Barnes - Sextus Empiricus: Outlines of Scepticism
- Ames - Wandering at Ease
- Bailey - Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonian Scepticism
- Balfour - Taoist Texts
- Barnes - The Toils of Skepticism
- Barnes, Brunschwig, Burnyeat, and Schofield (eds.) - Science and Speculation
- Batchelor - After Buddhism
- Batchelor - The Awakening of the West
- Batchelor - Buddhism without Beliefs
- [x] Batchelor - Confession of a Buddhist Atheist
- [x] Batchelor - Secular Buddhism
- Batchelor - Verses from the Center
- Batchelor and Batchelor - What is This?
- Bates - Pyrrho's Way
- [r][x] Beckwith - Greek Buddha
- Benardete: The Bow and the Lyre: A Platonic Reading of the Odyssey
- Benson - Socratic Wisdom
- Berry - Nietzsche and the Ancient Skeptical Tradition
- Bett (ed.) - The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism
- Bett - How to Be a Pyrrhonist
- [r][x] Bett - Pyrrho, his Antecedents, and his Legacy
- Bett - Sextus Empiricus: Against the Ethicists
- Bett - Sextus Empiricus: Against the Logicians
- Bett - Sextus Empiricus: Against the Physicists
- Bett - Sextus Empiricus: Against Those in the Disciplines
- Branham Bracht and Goulet-Caze - The Cynics
- Brennan - Ethics and Epistemology in Sextus Empiricus
- Bodhi - The Connected Discourses of the Buddha
- Bodhi - In the Buddha's Words
- Bosman - "The Gymnosophist Riddle Contest (Berol. P. 13044): A Cynic Text?"
- Botten - Herakleitos
- Brumbaugh - The Philosophers of Greece
- Burnet - Early Greek Philosophy
- Burnyeat and Frede - The Original Sceptics
- Bynner - Tao Te Ching
- Carus - Tao Te Ching
- Cartledge - Democritus
- Chan - Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy
- Chen - Tao Te Ching
- Chiesara (ed.) - Aristocles of Messene
- [r][x] Clayman - Timon of Phlius
- Cleary - The Essential Tao
- Cleary - Immortal Sisters
- Cleary - Wen-Tzu
- Cole - Democritus and the Sources of Greek Anthropology
- Collins - The Sociology of Philosophies
- Conze - Three Phases of Buddhist Thought in India
- Cooper - "Arcesilaus: Socratic and Skeptic"
- [x] Cooper - Pursuits of Wisdom
- Cronk - Tao Te Ching
- Crosby - The Measure of Reality
- Cupitt - Emptiness and Brightness
- Cupitt - Solar Ethics
- Cupitt - Taking Leave of God
- Curd and Graham - Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy
- Cutler - Cynicism from Diogenes to Dilbert
- Davids - The Questions of King Menander
- Dehaene - Consciousness and the Brain
- Deng - Scholar Warrior
- Desmond - Cynics
- Desmond - The Greek Praise of Poverty
- Diels - Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker
- Dilcher - Studies in Heraclitus
- Dillon - The Heirs of Plato
- [x] Diogenes - Lives of the Ancient Philosophers
- Dobbin - The Cynic Philosophers from Diogenes to Julian
- Dorandi - Lives of the Eminent Philosophers
- Dudley - A History of Cynicism from Diogenes to the 6th Century AD
- Emmanuel (ed.) - A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy
- Eusebius - Praeparatio Evangelica
- Evola - The Doctrine of Awakening
- Feng and English - Tao Te Ching
- Flintoff - "Pyrrho and India" (Phronesis 25 (1): 88-108, 1980)
- Floridi - Sextus Empiricus
- Fogelin - Pyrrhonian Reflections on Knowledge and Justification
- [x] Fonsdal - The Buddha Before Buddhism
- Freeman - Ancilla to the Presocratic Philosophers
- Frischer - The Sculpted Word
- Fung - Chuang Tzu
- Galen - An Outline of Empiricism
- Garfield - Engaging Buddhism: Why it Matters to Philosophy
- Gibbs and Cheng - Lao-Tzu
- Gill and Pellegrin - A Companion to Ancient Philosophy
- [x] Gold - Pyrrho's Buddha on Dukkha and the Liberation from Views
- Gombrich - How Buddhism Began
- Gombrich - What the Buddha Thought
- Gottschalk - Heraclides of Pontus
- [x] Graham - Texts of Early Greek Philosophy (on Democritus)
- Graham - Chuang Tzu
- Graham - Lieh-Tzu
- Graham - Tao Te Ching
- Graham - Yin-Yang and the Nature of Correlative Thinking
- Greco - The Oxford Handbook of Scepticism
- Guthrie - A History of Greek Philosophy
- Haase (ed.) - Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (vol. 2)
- Hankinson - The Sceptics
- Harvey - Introduction to Buddhism
- Harvey - Introduction to Buddhist Ethics
- [r][x] Havelock - Preface to Plato
- Henricks - Tao Te Ching
- Herrigel - Zen in the Art of Archery
- Hoffman - A Case Against Reality
- Huang - The Book of Changes
- Hussey - The Pre-Socratics
- Isaeva - Shankara and Indian Philosophy
- Ivanhoe - Tao Te Ching
- Ivanhoe and Kjellberg (eds.) - Essays on Skepticism
- Jarratt - Rereading the Sophists
- Jones - Nagarjuna: Buddhism's Most Important Philosopher
- Kahn - The Art and Thought of Heraclitus
- Kalupahana - A History of Buddhist Philosophy
- Karamanolis - Plato and Aristotle in Agreement?
- Keyser and Irby-Massie - The Encyclopedia of Ancient Natural Scientists
- Kimura - Tao Te Ching
- King - Buddha Nature
- Kingsley - Ancient Philosophy
- [r][x] Kirk and Raven - The Presocratic Philosophers
- Kuzminski - Pyrrhonism
- Lafargue - The Tao of the Tao Te Ching
- Lakoff - Philosophy in the Flesh
- Lampe - The Birth of Hedonism
- Lau - Tao Te Ching
- Lau and Ames - Yuan Dao
- [x] Lee - Epistemology after Protagoras
- Lee and Kim - Yin and Yang of Life
- [x] Le Guin - Tao Te Ching
- Lewis - The Abolition of Man
- [x] Lin - The Tao of Daily Life
- Lin - The Tao of Happiness
- Lin - The Tao of Joy Every Day
- [x] Lin - The Tao of Success
- [x] Lin - Tao Te Ching
- Lin Yutang - The Chinese Way of Life
- [x] Lin Yutang - The Importance of Living
- [x] Lin Yutang - The Pleasures of a Nonconformist
- Lin Yutang - The Wisdom of Laotse
- Lom - The Limits of Doubt
- Long - Cambridge Companion to Early Greek Philosophy
- Long - "Timon of Phlius: Pyrrhonist and Satirist"
- Lynn - Tao Te Ching
- MacEvilley - The Shape of Ancient Thought
- Machuca (ed.) - Pyrrhonism in Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary Philosophy
- Machuca and Reed (eds.) - Skepticism: From Antiquity to the Present
- Magee - Ultimate Questions
- Mair - Experimental Essays on Chuang Tzu
- Mair - Notes Toward a Complete Translation
- Mair - Wandering on the Way
- Mates - The Skeptic Way
- Mensch - Lives of the Eminent Philosophers
- Mendis - The Questions of King Milinda
- Miller - Buddhist Existentialism
- Mitchell - Buddhism: Introducing the Buddhist Experience
- Morgan - Tao the Great Luminant
- Nāgārjuna - Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (tr. Batchelor)
- Nāgārjuna - Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (tr. Garfield)
- Nāgārjuna - Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (tr. Kalupahana)
- Nāgārjuna - Mūlamadhyamakakārikā (tr. Siderits and Katsura)
- [r] Nails - The People of Plato
- Nanamoli - The Life of the Buddha
- Nanavira - Clearing the Path
- Navia - Classical Cynicism
- Navia - Diogenes the Cynic
- Neale - Madhyamaka and Pyrrhonism
- Nietzsche - Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks
- Nussbaum - The Therapy of Desire
- Olfert - Pyrrhonian Skepticism as a Way of Life
- [x] Plato - complete dialogues (see Aristotle readings)
- Polito - The Skeptical Road
- Popkin - The High Road to Pyrrhonism
- Popper - The World of Parmenides
- Puett - To Become a God
- Radhakrishnan - Upanishads
- Rahula - What the Buddha Taught
- Reale - A History of Ancient Philosophy
- [x] Reed - "Skepticism as a Way of Life"
- Rescher - Paradoxes
- Roth - Original Tao
- Salomon - The Buddhist Literature of Ancient Gandhara
- Sandywell - Presocratic Reflexivity
- Santayana - Scepticism and Animal Faith
- Sayre - The Greek Cynics
- Sayre and Boas - Diogenes of Sinope
- Schofield, Burnyeat, and Barnes (eds.) - Doubt and Dogmatism
- Sextus Empiricus - Against the Ethicists
- Sextus Empiricus - Against the Mathematicians
- Sextus Empiricus - Outlines of Pyrrhonism
- Sider and Obbink - Doctrine and Doxography
- Siderits - Buddhism as Philosophy
- Sim - Remastering Morals with Confucius and Aristotle
- Simpson - Religion and Philosophy in Ancient Egypt
- Sinnott-Armstrong - Pyrrhonian Skepticism
- Slingerland - Effortless Action
- Slingerland - Trying Not to Try
- Smith - Revaluing Ethics
- Sprague - The Older Sophists
- [x] Spranzi - The Art of Dialectic between Dialogue and Rhetoric
- Striker - Essays on Hellenistic Epistemology and Ethics
- Tarán - Speusippus of Athens
- Van Dijk - Ainoi, Logoi, Mythoi
- Vazquez - Reason in Check
- Vogt (ed.) - Pyrrhonian Skepticism in Diogenes Laërtius
- Walser - Nāgārjuna in Context: Mahāyāna Buddhism and Early Indian Culture
- [r][x] Warren - Epicurus and Democritean Ethics
- [x] Watson - Chuang Tzu
- Watson - Mo Tzu
- Welch - Taoism
- West - Early Greek Philosophy and the Orient
- Westerhoff - The Dispeller of Disputes
- Westerhoff - The Golden Age of Indian Buddhist Philosophy
- Westerhoff - Nāgārjuna's Madhyamaka
- Wheelwright - Heraclitus
- Wildberg - "Cynicism, or: Philosophy as a Way of Strife"
- Williams - Buddhist Thought
- Williams - Mahayana Buddhism
- Wong - Cultivating Stillness
- [x] Wong - Lieh-Tzu
- Wright - Why Buddhism is True
- Wu - Butterfly as Companion
- Wu - Tao Te Ching
- [x] Xenophon - Apology
- [x] Xenophon - Memorabilia
- Xenophon - Symposium
- Xuanzang - Great Tang Records of the Western Regions
- Zafiropoulos - Ethics in Aesop's Fables
- Zilioli - The Cyrenaics
- Zimmer - Soul Made Flesh
- Ziporyn - Chuang Tzu
- Allen - The Persian Empire
- Altekar - Education in Ancient India
- Arrian - Anabasis of Alexander
- Assmann - Death and Salvation in Ancient Egypt
- Assmann - The Search for God in Ancient Egypt
- Balcerowicz - Early Aceticism in India
- Ball - Rome in the East
- Basham - History and Doctrines of the Ajivikas
- Baumer - History of Central Asia
- Baxter and Sagart - Old Chinese
- Beckwith - Empires of the Silk Road
- Bodde - Essays on Chinese Civilization
- Borza - In the Shadow of Olympus
- Bosworth - Conquest and Empire
- [x] Bowden - Classical Athens and the Delphic Oracle
- Boyce - A History of Zoroastrianism
- Boyce - Zoroastrians
- Broad - The Oracle
- Bronkhorst - Buddhism in the Shadow of Brahmanism
- Bronkhorst - Greater Magadha
- Brosius - The Persians
- Brown - Onesicritus: A Study in Hellenistic Historiography
- Burkert - Greek Religion
- Cartledge - Alexander the Great
- Cawthorne - Alexander the Great
- Clark - Zoroastrianism
- Connelly - Portrait of a Priestess
- Cunningham - The Ancient Geography of India
- Dalrymple - The Golden Road
- Dong - Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn
- Doniger - On Hinduism
- Faxian - Record of the Buddhistic Kingdoms
- [x] Fontenrose - The Delphic Oracle
- Fontenrose - Python
- Fox - Alexander the Great
- [x] Freeman - Alexander the Great
- Garland - The Greek Way of Life
- Green - Alexander of Macedon
- Grousset - The Empire of the Steppes
- [x] Hamilton - The Greek Way
- [x] Hamilton - The Echo of Greece
- Heckel - The Last Days and Testament of Alexander the Great
- Heckel and Tritle - Alexander the Great
- Herodotus - Histories (tr Grene)
- Heschel - The Sabbath
- Hoddinott - The Thracians
- Höistad - Cynic Hero and Cynic King
- Holt - Alexander the Great and Bactria
- Holt - Into the Land of Bones
- Kakuichi - The Tale of the Heike
- Kitto - The Greeks
- Kouser - Alexander at the End of the World
- Kulke - A History of India
- Lamotte - History of Indian Buddhism
- Ling - The Buddha
- Luo - Romance of the Three Kingdoms
- Mairs - The Graeco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek World
- Marshall - A Guide to Taxila
- Martin - Ancient Greece
- Morgan - Athletes and Oracles
- Mukherjee - Ancient Indian Education
- Naiden - Soldier, Priest, and God: A Life of Alexander the Great
- Navia - Classical Cynicism
- Navia - Diogenes of Sinope
- Needham - Within the Four Seas
- Nilsson - Cults, Myths, Oracles, and Politics in Ancient Greece
- Oates - Babylon
- Parke and Wormell - The Delphic Oracle
- Plutarch - Alexander
- Prakash - Political and Social Movements in Ancient Punjab
- Prince - Antisthenes
- [x] Reich - Who We Are and How We Got Here
- Renault - The Nature of Alexander
- Roisman - Brill's Companion to Alexander the Great
- Rolle - The World of the Scythians
- Samad - The Grandeur of Gandhara
- Schaefe - Education in Ancient India
- Schaefe - The Historical Buddha
- Schiff - Cleopatra
- Sedlar - India and the Greek World
- Singh - A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India
- Stark - Alexander's Path
- [x] Stone - The Trial of Socrates
- Stoneman - Alexander the Great
- Stoneman - Legends of Alexander
- Tarn - The Greeks in Bactria and India
- Thapar - Early History of India
- Vassiliades - The Greeks in India
- Wheeler - Flames over Persepolis
- Wood - In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great
- Worthington - Alexander the Great
- Worthington - By the Spear
- Xenophon - Anabasis
- Xenophon - Cyropedia
- Xenophon - Hellenica
- Xuanzang - Great Tang Records of the Western Regions
- Zaehner - The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism
- [x] Barrett - How Emotions Are Made
- Brewer and Kabat-Zinn - The Craving Mind
- Churchland - Conscience
- Churchland - Neurophilosophy
- Churchland - Touching a Nerve
- Haier - Neuroscience of Intelligence
- Hoffman - The Case Against Reality
- Hohwy - The Predictive Mind
- McGilchrist - The Master and His Emissary
- McGilchrist - The Matter with Things:
- Mercier and Sperber - The Enigma of Reason
- Perin - The Demands of Reason
- Ryan and Deci - Self-Determination Theory
Epics, Novels, Fables, Parables, Poetry
- Aicher - A Confession
- [x] anonymous - Beowulf
- anonymous - The Epic of Gilgamesh
- anonymous - King James Bible
- anonymous - La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes
- [x] Apollonius of Rhodes - Argonautica
- Austen - Emma
- Austen - Pride and Prejudice
- Bakker - The Prince of Nothing
- Barth - The Floating Opera
- Barth - The End of the Road
- Blanchot - Thomas the Obscure
- [x] Borges - Ficciones
- [x] Borges - Labyrinths
- Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451
- Bradbury - Martian Chronicles
- Brontë - Jane Eyre
- Brontë - Wuthering Heights
- [x] Chiang - Stories of Your Life
- Caldwell - Glory and the Lightning
- Cameron - Alexander: God of War
- de Camp - An Elephant for Aristotle
- [x] Camus - The Fall
- [x] Camus - The Stranger
- Cather - O Pioneers
- Cather - The Song of the Lark
- Cather - My Antonia
- Cather - Lucy Gayheart
- Cather - Shadows on the Rock
- Céline - Journey to the End of Night
- [x] Chiang - Stories of Your Life
- [x] Chopin - The Awakening
- Coelho - The Alchemist
- Coetzee - Elizabeth Costello
- De Beauvoir - The Mandarins
- Deng - Chronicles of Tao
- Dezso - Much Ado about Religion
- Dharma - Panchatantra
- Dickens - David Copperfield
- Dickens - Great Expectations
- Dostoevsky - The Adolescent
- [x] Douglas-Klotz - Sufi Stories
- Duggan - Besieger of Cities
- Duron - Alexander the Great
- Dzielska - Hypatia of Alexandria
- Eco - The Island of the Day Before
- Eco - The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
- [x] Eco - The Name of the Rose
- [x] Eliot - Adam Bede
- Eliot - Daniel Deronda
- [x] Eliot - Middlemarch
- Eliot - The Mill on the Floss
- Eliot - Romola
- [x] Eliot - Silas Marner
- Ellison - Invisible Man
- Ferdowsi - Shahnameh
- Fielding - Tom Jones
- [r][x] Gaarder - Sophie's World
- Gardner - The Wreckage of Agathon
- Gibbs - Aesop's Fables
- [x] Gibran - The Prophet
- Goethe - The Sorrows of Young Werther
- Goethe - Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship
- [x] Golding - The Double Tongue
- Henderson - Telling Tales on Caesar
- [x] Hesiod - Theogony
- [x] Hesse - Demian
- [x] Hesse - The Glass Bead Game
- [x] Hesse - The Journey to the East
- Hesse - Klingsor's Last Summer
- Hesse - Narcissus and Goldmund
- [r][x] Hesse - Siddhartha
- [x] Hesse - Steppenwolf
- [r][x] Homer - Iliad (tr. Lattimore)
- [r][x] Homer - Odyssey (tr. Lattimore)
- Holt - Alexander at the World's End
- Huxley - After Many a Summer
- [x] Huxley - Brave New World
- Huxley - Island
- James - What Maisie Knew
- [x] Jilk - Epoch
- Kakuichi - The Tale of the Heike
- Keller - Green Henry
- [x] Khan - Twenty Jataka Tales
- [x] Koestler - Darkness at Noon
- Lee - To Kill a Mockingbird
- Le Guin - The Beginning Place
- Le Guin - The Birthday of the World
- Le Guin - Buffalo Gals
- Le Guin - Changing Planes
- Le Guin - The Compass Rose
- [r][x] Le Guin - The Dispossessed
- Le Guin - A Fisherman of the Inland Sea
- [x] Le Guin - The Found and the Lost
- Le Guin - Four Ways to Forgiveness
- [x] Le Guin - Lavinia
- [x] Le Guin - The Left Hand of Darkness
- [x] Le Guin - Orsinian Tales
- [x] Le Guin - Searoad
- [x] Le Guin - So Far So Good
- [x] Le Guin - Unlocking the Air
- [x] Le Guin - The Unreal and the Real
- [x] Le Guin - The Wind's Twelve Quarters
- Le Guin - A Wizard of Earthsea
- Le Guin - The Tombs of Atuan
- Le Guin - The Farthest Shore
- [x] Levinson - The Plot to Save Socrates
- [x] Lewis - Till We Have Faces
- Lightman - Einstein's Dreams
- [x] Lin Yutang - Famous Chinese Short Stories
- London - Martin Eden
- London - The Sea Wolf
- Longfellow - Evangeline
- [x] Longfellow - The Song of Hiawatha
- Longfellow - Flow Down Like Silver
- [x] Lucian - A True Story
- [x] Magennis - Translating Beowulf
- Mandredi - Alexander: Child of a Dream
- Mandredi - The Sands of Ammon
- Mandredi - The Ends of the Earth
- Mann - The Magic Mountain
- Marshall - The Conqueror
- Melville - Clarel
- Melville - Moby-Dick
- [x] Milton - Paradise Lost
- Mitchison - The Young Alexander
- Morris - The Sacred Band
- Müller - Buddhist Parables
- Murdoch - The Bell
- Murdoch - Under the Net
- Nicastro - Empire of Ashes
- Olivelle - The Five Discourses on Worldly Wisdom
- Olivelle - The Pancatantra
- [x] Paton Walsh - Knowledge of Angels
- [x] Pindar - Odes
- [r][x] Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Pressfield - The Virtues of War
- Priante - Lesbia Mia
- Rayor - Homeric Hymns
- Read - The Green Child
- [r][x] Renault - Fire from Heaven
- [r][x] Renault - The Persian Boy
- Renault - Funeral Games
- Renault - The Last of the Wine
- Renault - The Mask of Apollo
- Renault - The Praise Singer
- Rihani - The Book of Khalid
- Rureke - The Mwindo Epic
- St. Jean - Clotho's Loom
- Santayana - The Last Puritan
- Saunders - Tenth of December
- [x] Shah - The Hundred Tales of Wisdom
- [x] Shakespeare - Timon of Athens
- Shaw - The Jatakas
- Slabbert - Modern Tao Stories
- Spenser - The Faerie Queene
- Stendhal - The Red and the Black
- Stephenson - Anathem
- [x] Stephenson - Snow Crash
- Sterne - Tristram Shandy
- Stifter - Indian Summer
- Stoddard - The Morgesons
- Stoneman - The Greek Alexander Romance
- Stylianos - The Lost Chronicles of Alexander the Great
- Suri - The Death of Vishnu
- Tarr - Bring Down the Sun
- Tartt - The Secret History
- [x] Tolkien - The Hobbit
- Tolkien - The Lord of the Rings
- [x] Tolstoy - The Death of Ivan Ilyitch
- [x] Tolstoy - Hadji Murad
- Tolstoy - Resurrection
- Tolstoy - War and Peace
- Towler - Tales from the Tao
- Tufail - Hayy ibn Yaqdhan
- Tullis - The Master's Plan
- Turner - Genesis
- Turner - The New World
- [x] Van Over - Taoist Tales
- [x] Virgil - Aeneid
- Vyasa - Mahabharata
- [x] Voltaire - Candide
- Walcott - Omeros
- [x] Walton - The Just City
- [x] Walton - The Philosopher Kings
- [x] Walton - Necessity
- [x] Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray
- Wilder - The Ides of March
- Wolfe - A Man in Full
- [x] Wong - Seven Taoist Masters
- [x] Wong - Tales of the Taoist Immortals
- Wu Cheng'en - Journey to the West
- [r][x] Yalom - When Nietzsche Wept
- [x] Yourcenar - The Abyss
- [r][x] Yourcenar - Memoirs of Hadrian
Writing, Literary Criticism
- Arana - The Writing Life
- Bell - Plot and Structure
- [x] Bradbury - Zen in the Art of Writing
- Brooks - Story Engineering
- [x] Campbell - The Hero with a Thousand Faces
- Card - Characters and Viewpoint
- Cather - On Writing
- Collins - Getting into Character
- Cron - Wired for Story
- [x] Dillard - The Writing Life
- Edgerton - Hooked
- Gardner - The Art of Fiction
- Gardner - On Becoming a Novelist
- Hemingway - A Moveable Feast
- Jeffers - Apprenticeships
- King - On Writing
- Koontz - How to Write Bestselling Fiction
- Lamont - Bird by Bird
- [x] Le Guin - Steering the Craft
- Logan - The Encyclopedia of the Novel
- Maass - Writing the Breakout Novel
- McKee - Story
- Madden - A Primer of the Novel
- Moretti - The Modern Epic
- Moretti - The Way of the World
- [x] Orwell - Why I Write
- [x] Rand - The Art of Fiction
- Saunders - A Swim in a Pond in the Rain
- Sontag - At the Same Time
- [x] Steele - All the Fun's in How You Say a Thing
- Stein - Stein On Writing
- [x] Turner - Epic: Form, Content, and History
- Vogler - The Writer's Journey
- Woolf - A Room of One's Own
[x] denotes books I've read
[r] denotes books I need to re-read or further reference
Peter Saint-Andre > Writings > Pyrrho