Reading List for Complete Thyself
Last Updated: 2025-03-13
Here are the original and secondary works I've read in preparation for writing Complete Thyself: Aristotle on Human Fulfillment. Linked titles point to my summary notes on the relevant text.
Primary Sources
Scholarly Books
- Anton and Preus (eds.) - Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Vol. IV
- Arendt - The Human Condition
- Arendt - The Life of the Mind
- Bar On (ed.) - Engendering Origins
- Barnes - Aristotle: A Very Short Introduction
- Barnes and Schofield (eds.) - Articles on Aristotle, Vol. 2
- Beere - Doing and Being
- Bielskis - Existence, Meaning, Excellence
- Bodéüs - Aristotle and the Theology of the Living Immortals
- Bodnar and Fortenbaugh (eds.) - Eudemus of Rhodes
- Brink, Meyer, and Shields (eds.) - Virtue, Happiness, Knowledge
- Broadie - Ethics with Aristotle
- Broadie - Aristotle and Beyond
- Burnet - The Ethics of Aristotle
- Casey - Pagan Virtue
- Chroust - Aristotle
- Clark - Aristotle's Man
- Cohoe and Grimm - What it Takes to Live Philosophically
- Cooper - Pursuits of Wisdom
- Cooper - Reason and Emotion
- Cooper - Reason and Human Good in Aristotle
- Cottingham and Hacker (eds.) - Mind, Method, and Morality
- Destree and Zingano (eds.) - Theoria
- Dover - Greek Popular Morality in the Time of Plato and Aristotle
- Elders - Aristotle's Theology
- Eriksen - Bios Theoretikos
- Evans - Aristotle's Concept of Dialectic
- Flannery - Action and Character According to Aristotle
- Freeland (ed.) - Feminist Interpretations of Aristotle
- Foot - Natural Goodness
- Fortenbaugh - Aristotle on Emotion
- Fowers - Virtue and Psychology
- Furth - Substance, Form and Psyche
- Gadamer - The Idea of the Good in Platonic-Aristotelian Philosophy
- Garver - Confronting Aristotle's Ethics
- Gotthelf and Lennox (eds.) - Philosophical Issues in Aristotle’s Biology
- Gottlieb - The Virtue of Aristotle's Ethics
- Grant - The Ethics of Aristotle
- Groenhout - Connected Lives
- Hadot - What is Ancient Philosophy?
- Hall - Aristotle's Way
- Hardie - Aristotle's Ethical Theory
- Henry - Prisoner of History
- Henry and Nielsen (eds.) - Bridging the Gap between Aristotle's Science and Ethics
- Hutchinson - The Virtues of Aristotle
- Irwin - Aristotle's First Principles
- Johnson - Aristotle on Teleology
- Kalimtzis - An Inquiry into the Philosophical Concept of Scholê
- Kenny - The Aristotelian Ethics
- Kenny - Aristotle on the Perfect Life
- Kenny - Aristotle's Theory of the Will
- Keyt and Miller (eds.) - A Companion to Aristotle's Politics
- Kosman - The Activity of Being
- Kosman - Virtues of Thought
- Kraut - Aristotle on the Human Good
- Kraut (ed.) - The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
- Lear - Happy Lives and the Highest Good
- Leigh (ed.) - The Eudemian Ethics on the Voluntary, Friendship, and Luck
- Lennox - Aristotle's Philosophy of Biology
- Leroi - The Lagoon: How Aristotle Invented Science
- Lord - Education and Culture in the Political Thought of Aristotle
- Lynch - Aristotle's School
- Mansion (ed.) - Aristote et les Problèmes sur Méthode
- Melzer - Philosophy Between the Lines
- Meyer - Aristotle on Moral Responsibility
- Miller (ed.) - Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics: A Critical Guide
- Miller - Aristotle's Paradox of Monarchy and the Biographical Tradition
- Miller - Nature, Justice, and Rights in Aristotle's Politics
- Monan - Moral Knowledge and its Methodology in Aristotle
- Moreaux and Harflinger (eds.) - Untersuchungen zur Eudemischen Ethik
- Natali - Aristotle: His Life and School
- Natali - The Wisdom of Aristotle
- Nightingale - Spectacles of Truth in Classical Greek Philosophy
- North - Sophrosyne
- Nussbaum - The Fragility of Goodness
- Nussbaum and Rorty (eds.) - Essays on Aristotle’s De Anima
- O'Meara (ed.) - Studies in Aristotle
- O'Rourke - Aristotelian Interpretations
- Owen - Logic, Science, and Dialectic
- Pakaluk and Pearson (eds.) - Moral Psychology and Human Action in Aristotle
- Pangle - Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship
- Pearson - Aristotle on Desire
- Polansky - The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
- Randall - Aristotle
- Reeve - Action, Contemplation, and Happiness
- Reeve - Aristotle on Practical Wisdom
- Reeve - Practices of Reason
- Robinson - Aristotle's Psychology
- Roochnik - Retrieving Aristotle in an Age of Crisis
- Rorty (ed.) - Essays on Aristotle's Ethics
- Ross - Aristotle
- Rowe - The Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics
- Russell - Happiness for Humans
- Russell - Practical Intelligence and the Virtues
- Sachs - Aristotle's Metaphysics
- Sachs - Aristotle's On the Soul and On Memory and Recollection
- Sachs - Aristotle's Physics: A Guided Study
- Sachs - Aristotle's Politics
- Salem - In Pursuit of the Good
- Segvic - From Protagoras to Aristotle
- Sherman (ed.) - Aristotle's Ethics: Critical Essays
- Sherman - The Fabric of Character
- Sim (ed.) - The Crossroads of Norm and Nature
- Simpson - The Great Ethics of Aristotle
- Smith - Revaluing Ethics
- Sparshott - Taking Life Seriously
- Spranzi - The Art of Dialectic between Dialogue and Rhetoric
- Stern-Gillet - Aristotle's Philosophy of Friendship
- Urmson - Aristotle's Ethics
- Walker - Aristotle on the Uses of Contemplation
- Wardy - Chain of Change
- White - Sovereign Virtue
- Wilkes - Real People
- Witt - Ways of Being
Scholarly Papers and Book Chapters
- Achtenberg - Human Being, Beast and God
- Achtenberg - The Role of the Ergon Argument in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
- Ackrill - Aristotle's Distinction Between Energeia and Kinesis
- Ackrill - Aristotle on Eudaimonia
- Abizadeh - The Passions of the Wise
- Annas - Aristotle on Pleasure and Goodness
- Anscombe - Modern Moral Philosophy
- Anscombe - Thought and Action in Aristotle
- Anton - Breaking the Habit: Aristotle on Recidivism and How a Thoroughly Vicious Person Might Begin to Improve
- Anton - Fixed and Flexible Characters: Aristotle on the permanence and mutability of distinct types of character
- Anton - The Harmony of To Kalon and the Dissonance of To Kakon in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
- Arioli - Aristotle on ἀληθεύειν: Socratic Wisdom in Nicomachean Ethics VI
- Balaban - Praxis and Poiesis in Aristotle's Practical Philosophy
- Balme - Aristotle's Biology Was Not Essentialist
- Balme - Aristotle's Use of Division and Differentiae
- Balme - The Place of Biology in Aristotle's Philosophy
- Balme - Teleology and Necessity
- Barnes - Aristotle and the Methods of Ethics
- Biondi - Aristotle's Moral Expert: The Phronimos
- Biss - Aristotle on Friendship and Self-Knowledge
- Bobonich - Aristotle's Ethical Treatises
- Bobzien - Choice and Moral Responsibility
- Bolton - Definition and Scientific Method in Aristotle's Posterior Analytics and Generation of Animals
- Bondeson - Aristotle on Responsibility for One's Character and the Possibility of Character Change
- Brakas - Aristotle's "Is Said in Many Ways" and its Relationship to His Homonyms
- Brakas - Aristotle on the Irreducible Senses of the Good
- Broadie - Aristotle and Contemporary Ethics
- Broadie - Aristotelian Piety
- Broadie - Interpreting Aristotle's Directions
- Broadie - The Problem of Practical Intellect in Aristotle's Ethics
- Brown - Why is Aristotle's Virtue of Character a Mean?
- Brown - What Is the 'Mean Relative to Us' in Aristotle's Ethics?
- Burger - Aristotle's "Exclusive" Account of Happiness
- Burnyeat - Aristotle on Learning to be Good
- Burnyeat - Aristotle on Understanding Knowledge
- Chappell - The Good Man is the Measure of All Things
- Charles - Aristotle on Practical and Theoretical Knowledge
- Charles - Aristotle on Well-Being and Intellectual Contemplation
- Code and Moravcsik - Explaining Various Forms of Living
- Coope - Why does Aristotle think that ethical virtue is required for practical wisdom?
- Cooper - Hypothetical Necessity and Natural Teleology
- Cooper - Plato and Aristotle on "Finality" and "(Self-)Sufficiency"
- Corcilius - Aristotle's Definition of Non-Rational Pleasure and Pain and Desire
- Curzer - Aristotle's Bad Advice on Becoming Good
- Curzer - Aristotle's Mean Relative to Us
- Curzer - Rules Lurking at the Heart of Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics
- Dahl - Contemplation and Eudaimonia in the Nicomachean Ethics
- DeMarco - Plato's Ghost: Consequences of Aristotelian Dialectic
- Depew - Humans and Other Political Animals in Aristotle's History of Animals
- Depew - Politics, Music, and Contemplation in Aristotle's Ideal State
- Devereux - Scientific and Ethical Methods in Aristotle's Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics
- Dierksmeier and Pirson - Oikonomia Versus Chrematistike: Learning from Aristotle About the Future Orientation of Business Management
- Di Muzio - Aristotle on Improving One's Character
- Dobbs - Family Matters: Aristotle's Appreciation of Women and the Plural Structure of Society
- Dobbs - Natural Right and the Problem of Aristotle's Defense of Slavery
- Farwell - Aristotle and the Complete Life
- Fazzo - Unmoved Mover as Pure Act or Unmoved Mover in Act? The Mystery of a Subscript Iota
- Fiasse - Aristotle's Phronesis: A True Grasp of Ends as well as Means?
- Fossheim - Justice in the Nicomachean Ethics Book V
- Frede - On Aristotle's Conception of the Soul
- Freeland - Aristotelian Actions
- Freeland - Aristotle on Bodies, Matter, and Potentiality
- Freeland - Aristotle on the Sense of Touch
- Gotthelf - Aristotle as Scientist
- Gotthelf - Aristotle's Conception of Final Causality
- Gotthelf - A Biological Provenance
- Gotthelf - Darwin on Aristotle
- Gotthelf - First Principles in Aristotle's Parts of Animals
- Gotthelf - The Place of the Good in Aristotle's Natural Teleology
- Green - Self-Love and Self-Sufficiency in the Aristotelian Ethics
- Grönroos - Listening to Reason in Aristotle's Moral Psychology
- Gurtler - The Activity of Happiness in Aristotle's Ethics
- Halper - The Substance of Aristotle's Ethics
- Heinaman - Eudaimonia and Self-Sufficiency in the Nicomachean Ethics
- Heinaman - The Eudemian Ethics on Knowledge and Voluntary Action
- Heinaman - Rationality, Eudaimonia and Kakodaimonia in Aristotle
- Hill - Two Perspectives on the Ultimate End
- Hitz - Aristotle on Law and Moral Education
- Hitz - Aristotle on Self-Knowledge and Friendship
- Homiak - Feminism and Aristotle's Rational Ideal
- Hutchinson and Johnson - Protreptic Aspects of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
- Inglis - Philosophical Virtue: In Defense of the Grand End
- Irwin - Beauty and Morality in Aristotle
- Irwin - The Metaphysical and Psychological Basis of Aristotle's Ethics
- Irwin - Reason and Responsibility in Aristotle
- Irwin - The Sense and Reference of Kalon in Aristotle
- Jimenez - Aristotle and Protagoras against Socrates on Courage and Experience
- Jimenez - Aristotle on Becoming Virtuous by Doing Virtuous Actions
- Jimenez - Aristotle on Steering the Young by Pleasure and Pain
- Jimenez - Empeiria and Good Habits in Aristotle's Ethics
- Jost - The Eudemian Ethics and the Nicomachean Ethics
- Jost - Theos, Theoria, and Therapeia in Aristotle's Ethical Endings
- Karbowski - Aristotle on the Deliberative Abilities of Women
- Karbowski - Aristotle's Scientific Inquiry into Natural Slavery
- Karbowski - Complexity and Progression in Aristotle's Treatment of Endoxa in the Topics
- Karbowski - Deliberating Without Authority: Fortenbaugh on the Psychology of Women in Aristotle's Politics
- Karbowski - Endoxa, facts, and the starting points of the Nicomachean Ethics
- Karbowski - Is Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics Quasi-Mathematical?
- Karbowski - Phainomena as Witnesses and Examples: The Methodology of Eudemian Ethics 1.6
- Karbowski - Slaves, Women, and Aristotle's Natural Teleology
- Keyt - The Meaning of Bios in Aristotle's Ethics and Politics
- Kosman - Beauty and the Good
- Kosman - Being Properly Affected
- Kosman - Understanding, Explanation, and Insight in the Posterior Analytics
- Kosman - What Does the Maker Mind Make?
- Kullmann - Man as a Political Animal in Aristotle
- Lawrence - Acquiring Character: Becoming Grown-Up
- Lear - Aristotle on Moral Virtue and the Fine
- Leighton - The Mean Relative to Us
- Lennox - Aristotle on the Biological Roots of Human Virtue
- Lennox - The Place of Mankind in Aristotle's Zoology
- Leunissen - Aristotle on Knowing Natural Science for the sake of Living Well
- Lockwood - Competing Ways of Life and Ring Composition
- Lorenz - Aristotle's Analysis for Akratic Action
- Louden - Aristotle's Practical Particularism
- Louden - What is Moral Authority?
- Lu - Getting Serious about Seriousness: On the Meaning of Spoudaios in Aristotle's Ethics
- Lu - Hexis within Aristotelian Virtue Ethics
- Lu - The Missing Virtue: Justice in Modern Virtue Ethics
- Marmodoro - Aristotelian Powers at Work
- Mele - Aristotle on Akrasia, Eudaimonia, and the Psychology of Action
- Mele - Aristotle's Wish
- Menn - The Origins of Aristotle's Concept of Energeia
- Meyer - Living for the Sake of an Ultimate End
- Miller - Aristotle on Rationality in Action
- Miller - Aristotle's Paradox of Monarchy and the Biographical Tradition
- Miller - Finding Oneself with Friends
- Millgram - Aristotle on Making Other Selves
- Milliken - Aristotle's Aesthetic Ethics
- Morison - An Aristotelian Distinction between Two Types of Knowledge
- Moss - Virtue Makes the Goal Right
- Moss - Was Aristotle a Humean?
- Natali - The Book on Wisdom
- Nielsen - The Constitution of the Soul: Aristotle on Lack of Deliberative Authority
- Nielsen - Deliberation as Inquiry
- Nielsen - Vice in the Nicomachean Ethics
- O'Connor - The Ambitions of Aristotle's Audience and the Activist Ideal of Happiness
- Osborne - Selves and Other Selves in Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics vii 12
- Pangle - The Anatomy of Courage in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics
- Pangle - Friendship and Self-Love in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
- Pangle - Towards a Dialogue between Socratic Philosophy and Evolutionary Psychology: Why do we Love the Noble?
- Pearson - Courage and Temperance
- Polansky - Ethics as Practical Science
- Price - Acrasia and Self-Control
- Rapp - What Use Is Aristotle's Doctrine of the Mean?
- Reeve - Aristotle on the Virtues of Thought
- Reeve - Aristotle's Philosophical Method
- Reeve - Dialectic and Philosophy in Aristotle
- Reiner - Aristotle on Personality and Some Implications for Friendship
- Richardson - Degrees of Finality and the Highest Good in Aristotle
- Richardson - Desire and the Good in De Anima
- Riesbeck - Aristotle on the Politics of Marriage: "Marital Rule" in the Politics
- Riesbeck - Degrees of Finality in Nicomachean Ethics 1.2 and 1.7
- Roche - Ergon and Eudaimonia in Nicomachean Ethics I
- Roche - Happiness and the External Goods
- Rogers - Aristotle on Loving Another for His Own Sake
- Rogers - Aristotle's Conception of To Kalon
- Roochnik - What is Theoria?
- Rorty - Akrasia and Pleasure
- Rorty - De Anima: Its Agenda and Its Recent Interpreters
- Rorty - The Place of Contemplation in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
- Russell - Phronesis and the Virtues
- Salmieri - Aristotle's Non-'Dialectical' Methodology in the Nicomachean Ethics
- Salmieri - Aristotle on Selfishness? Understanding the Iconoclasm of Nicomachean Ethics ix 8
- Schaffer - On What Grounds What
- Schofield - Aristotle's Political Ethics
- Schuh - The Meaning of Kalon in Aristotle's Ethics
- Sherman - Aristotle on Friendship and the Shared Life
- Sherman - Character, Planning, and Choice in Aristotle
- Shields - Perfecting Pleasures: The Metaphysics of Pleasure in Nicomachean Ethics X
- Shields - The Science of Soul in Aristotle's Ethics
- Sim - Senses of Being in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
- Simpson - Aristotle's Ethica Eudemia 1220b10-11 ἐν τοῖς ἀπηλλαγμένοις and De Virtutibus et Vitiis
- Smith - Aristotle's Theory of Natural Slavery
- Sorabji - Aristotle on the Role of Intellect in Virtue
- Verbeke - Happiness and Chance in Aristotle
- von Fritz - Noos and Noein in the Homeric Poems
- Walker - Aristotle on Activity 'According to the Best and Most Final' Virtue
- Walker - Aristotle on the Utility and Choiceworthiness of Friends
- Walker - Contemplation and Self-Awareness in the Nicomachean Ethics
- Walker - How Narrow is Aristotle's Contemplative Ideal?
- Whiting - Living Bodies
- Whiting - The Nicomachean Account of Philia
- Wiggins - Deliberation and Practical Reason
- Wiggins - Weakness of Will, Commensurability, and the Objects of Deliberation and Desire
- Wilkes - The Good Man and the Good for Man in Aristotle's Ethics
- Wilkes - Psuche versus the Mind
- Witt - Dialectic, Motion, and Perception
- Wood - Contemplating the Beautiful: The Practical Importance of Theoretical Excellence in Aristotle's Ethics
- Young - Aristotle on Temperance
- Zingano - Aristotle and the Problems of the Method in Ethics
(Finally, I also have some unattributed passages that I'm working to identify.)
Peter Saint-Andre > Writings > Aristotle